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  • Writer's pictureAndie Wilkerson

@Home Activity: What Theatre means to me

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Ok, everybody, I need your help. I have an inkling of an idea for a project, but I need your voices. I want to hear about what theatre and the performing arts means to you! Full disclosure, I have no idea how I'll use your submissions yet, but I'm hoping to create something meaningful and inspirational and artistic that expresses the importance of theatre and the arts to our community and our society.

Here's what I'm looking for:

15-second videos describing or depicting what theatre means to you. Do you have a story about how theatre has affected your life? Do you have an idea for an original song expressing your love of theatre? I'm open to any kind of expression - dance, music, monologue, poetry, or just a testimonial telling about your favorite part of theatre. If you're not comfortable on video (me too, trust me), you can submit a voice memo or a written statement, or a drawing. Get creative!

Who can submit: Anybody! Everybody! Kids, actors, students, parents, techies, friends, audience members, anyone who's ever been affected by theatre or the performing arts! Please note that by submitting, you give me permission to use your content as I see fit, including presentation for a public audience - I promise to use it responsibly.

Due Date: Please submit your videos no later than July 31, 2020. Please only one submission per person (though if every person in your family wants to submit something, I'm cool with that). Videos must be 15 seconds or less and the content Rated G.

Where to submit: You can submit videos via dropbox here, OR you can post your video to social media and tag us @youth_theatre_carson_city, OR you can send via text or email to Kelly or Andie.

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