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Ethan McKinney Memorial Scholarship

In March 2016, one of our cast-members, Ethan McKinney, lost his brave battle with cancer at the young age of 15. Ethan was a born performer and commedian with a passion for the theatre.
It was one of Ethan's final wishes that we offer a scholarship in his name to help other kids like him have the opportunity to shine on our stage.
The Ethan McKinney Memorial Scholarship will be available beginning Summer 2016 to first-time students age 12-18 with a passion for performing and a positive attitude.
Scholarship recipients must commit to participating in at least two YTCC productions within one calendar year from when the scholarship is awarded.
Need-based Scholarships
Youth Theatre Carson City is committed to never turning a student away for an inability to meet tuition or fee requirements. We award hundreds of dollors in scholarships based on need each year. To apply for a need-based scholarship, please click on the Scholarship Application button above and contact our office.

Donations & Sponsorships
Youth Theatre Carson City is a Nevada Nonprofit corporation and we rely on community support to help keep the stage doors open and continue to provide quality educational programming to the youth of this community.
Please consider becoming a donor or a sponsor today. Contact us for more information.
Kelly Anderson
Company Manager
P.O. Box 2798
Carson City, NV 89702
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